Funds are allocated annually from the Oregon Cultural Trust to the Benton County Board of Commissioners, based on County population. These funds (less the commission’s 5% administrative fee) are then allocated to the Benton County Cultural Coalition (BCCC) for distribution. The BCCC announces the availability of funds and accepts grant applications from October 1 through October 31 of each year. Please note that as of fall 2023 we are no longer requiring Letters of Intent.
Priorities and Benchmarks
Funding Priorities:
- We seek to fund a balance of rural and urban applicants as well as a balance of art, heritage and cultural projects each grant cycle.
- We appreciate projects that are both accessible and visible to the general public as well as projects that build local capacity.
- Build Organization or Individual Capacity. Projects that strengthen the capacity of an organization or individual to do the work they do in art, heritage or humanities. This includes but is not limited to buying new equipment, purchasing uniforms, hiring an employee.
- Improve or Preserve Structures. Projects that preserve or improve a structure i.e.: a storefront, school, historic bank, heritage site.
- Increase Participation In/Access To Culture. Projects that increase participation and access to culture for all Oregonians. This includes but is not limited to increasing diversity of participants and/or creating plans that include all community members.
- Public Art. Projects that seek to place art in public and community environments.
- Lifelong Learning. Projects that target adults and senior citizens as program participants. This includes but is not limited to adult music programs, art, heritage or cultural programs for adults and senior citizens, etc.
- Stories/Oral Traditions. Programs with the main goal of sharing stories in the oral tradition.
- Cultural Tourism. Projects and events that promote cultural tourism.
- Youth. Any project that is youth related, specifically those for children in grades K-12. It may be partnering with or created by a school; however to be a youth-focused project, school affiliation is not required.
- Economic Development. Projects that seek to improve the economy of their community. This includes but is not limited to seeding organizations, encouraging investment in culture, main street projects, and preservation for the sake of increasing commercial traffic to area businesses.
Guidelines for Submission
- All applicants must be from Benton County, Oregon. All grant-funded events/programs must take place in Benton County, Oregon.
- Applicants must either provide proof of their 501(c)(3) non-profit status or, if they are an individual or for-profit organization, they must declare and identify a 501(c)(3) fiscal non-profit sponsor. NOTE: First time applicants must e-mail a copy of their 501(c)(3) Letter of Determination to by 11:59pm on October 31, in order for their application to be complete.
- If a project involves public art, signage or other construction, the applicant must document approval of the organization which governs the site prior to application for BCCC funding.
- Grants typically range between $500 and $2000, with the majority somewhere in the middle. Our grants support many organizations. Approved grant applications for more than $2000 may receive only partial funding.
- Grant funds are distributed in January. Grant projects must complete during the calendar year for which they are funded. Final Grant Reports are due 30 days after completion of the project or December 31st, whichever is earlier.
- Acknowledgment of the Benton County Cultural Coalition, and the Oregon Cultural Trust, must be included in all publicity for grant-funded projects. BCCC logos and OCT logos should be present on all printed materials (programs, signage, etc.)
- Modifications to an approved project, including budgeted expenses, timeline or activities specified in the approved BCCC Grant Application, must be requested by filing an Interim Grant Report.
- Prior grant recipients must have successfully completed their BCCC Final Grant Report before they are eligible to apply for additional grant funds. Final reports are due within 30 days of project completion.
Online Application Forms and Timelines
How to Apply:
Complete the on-line Application form and submit it between October 1 and 11:59pm on October 31. No late entries; no exceptions.
Please review the Funding Priorities and Benchmarks above as they are absolutely critical. Many applicants find it extremely helpful to carefully review in advance the questions asked on the grant application: click BCCC Grant Application Questions to download a pdf for review.
Grant-writing workshop/networking event:
The grant writing process is discussed in detail and questions are answered. Those who are considering submitting a grant application share their project ideas. This annual event takes place in the fall. It usually lasts about an hour and is typically held at the Benton County Historical Museum.
BCCC Grant Application (this form will become available during the application window)
Grant Cycle Timeline:
- Grant Writing Workshop and Networking Event: mid-September
- Grant Application Form Due: Deadline October 31
- Notification of Grant Awards: First week of December
- Signed Grant Agreements Due: December 15
- Checks Distributed: Early January
- Final Grant Reports due 30 days after project completion
- Modifications to an approved project, including budgeted expenses, timeline, or activities specified in the approved BCCC Grant Application, must be requested by filing an Interim Grant Report.
- Any unused BCCC funds must be returned, by check payable to the Benton County Cultural Coalition, within 30 days of the approved grant completion date.
For Current Grant Recipients
Upon receipt of your grant award letter, please complete and sign two copies of the Grant Agreement. Mail both signed copies of the Grant Agreement to Benton County Cultural Coalition, PO Box 1504, Philomath, OR 97370 by December 15. A fully signed copy of the Grant Agreement will be returned to you in early January along with a check in the amount of your total grant award.
Please submit your final report within thirty (30) days of the completion of the grant period, and no later than December 31 of project year, whichever is earlier.
BCCC Interim Grant Report Form
Modifications to an approved project, including budgeted expenses, timeline or activities specified in the approved BCCC Grant Application, must be requested by filing an Interim Report. If you are unable to complete your project in the time period for which the funding was awarded, please contact us immediately at
(Note: this online form must be completed in one session. Please print a copy for your records.)
Logos and Publicity
All promotional materials created by Benton County Cultural Coalition grant recipients must include a Benton County Cultural Coalition and Oregon Cultural Trust logo (which can be downloaded below) and must be accompanied by the following text, with the text standing alone: “This [project/program/workshop] is supported by the Oregon Cultural Trust.”
Benton County Cultural Coalition Logo
Oregon Cultural Trust Logo
Other Funding Resources
Any proposal is made stronger through collaboration with partners. Addressing arts education? Contact your local schools to learn about their needs and interests. Holding your writing workshop in a bookstore? Mention their partnership in the proposal, and include the use of their space as an in-kind value in your budget. These are just two ideas that can make your proposal even more compelling.